Welcome to the
Chichester Natural History Society Website

Welcome to the
Chichester Natural History Society Website

Welcome to the
Chichester Natural History Society Website

Welcome to the
Chichester Natural History Society Website

Welcome to the
Chichester Natural History Society Website

Welcome to the
Chichester Natural History Society Website

Registered Charity No 259211

The Chichester Natural History Society, Chi Nats for short, is a friendly group of local people with a shared interest in all aspects of wildlife, who have been studying and recording all branches of natural history for over 50 years. We do this in an entertaining manner and, in cooperation with other like-minded groups, help conserve the flora and fauna of Sussex. Members of the Society share a common interest in natural history and while some are experts in particular wildlife fields, others are newcomers to the subject. New members are always welcome - Single membership £12 per annum, Joint/Family Membership £22 per annum.

Contact email secretary@chichesternaturalhistorysociety.org.uk

Autumn 2024

Wednesday 4th December. 19:15 for 19:30 Christmas party. An evening of natural history fun and intrigue. See "Events" page for more details.

Wednesday 11th December. Pub lunch. See "Events".

Monday 6 January 2025. 10:00 Chichester Lakes. Leader: Robert Watson.

Phenology -  the 2024 season of recording has concluded. New! the 2024 Phenology results.

Click below to open/download.

2024 results
2023 results
2022 results

See our new Facebook group for members' wildlife sightings. Join the group and upload your own sightings.

Photographic Competion -  the John Kelsall Challenge - Natural History Photography Challenge - please bring your entries to the Christmas Party on December 4th.
The themes for this year for adult members:
       Naturally Orange or yellow
       A natural wonder in Sussex
       Just include water

There will be a prize for each category and an overall winner of the John Kelsall Challenge
All photos to be taken in Sussex (or southeast Hampshire)
Please submit a photo 7" x 5" size for one or more categories.  Photographs will be displayed and judged at the ChiNats Christmas Party on 4th December
Please bring along your three photos together with a card/caption for each photo including the subject where the photo was taken.

NEW for 2024 – ChiNats Junior Photographic Competition -  please bring your entries to the Christmas Party on December 4th.

For children, grandchildren or other young relatives of ChiNats members (age limit 16 years)
This gives you the chance to encourage your young relatives to gain an interest in wildlife and photography and take a photo to enter.
Theme - Any aspect of natural history / wildlife / plant / animal
The photos can be taken anywhere in Britain. Display at the Christmas party, as above.
The juniors – should write a very short explanation of what they have photographed and where, to accompany their pictures.


ChiNATs has started  to use iRecord to record our sightings on field outings. You can also use it to submit any wildlife sightings of your own.  Find out more here on the ChiNATS iRecord guideor see the iRecord website.

Volunteering Opportunities
Rachel Guy at Kingley Vale NNR invites members interested in one-off or regular surveys to contact her.  See Information/Volunteering for more details.

Medmerry Surveyors amongs the Oxeye daisies


Field outings, small groups led by some of our experts, are arranged throughout the year to various wildlife locations in West Sussex. Lecture evenings are held regularly in Chichester over the  winter, while lunchtime sessions in a local pub allow a small group to focus on a particular aspect of nature. 


Our Blog

In addition to our formal surveys we encourage our members to record wildlife wherever they see it. There is so much to be seen in our local area as we are fortunate in being close to a wide range of diverse habitats.



On our field trips we encounter a wide range of wildlife and many of our members are keen wildlife photographers.

RSPB Pulborough Brooks field outing report added
Thornham Great Deep field outing report added
Medmerry Grasshopper and Late flying dragonfly survey reports added
Grasshopper & Bush-cricket ID report added
Photographic Competition details added
2025 Indoor Lecture Programme added

Any questions on the website please send an email to Web-Master@chichesternatural historysociety.org.uk s

The blog allows you to log wildlife sightings and comment on those put up by other members - please use it.
We still need to keep the sightings book so please enter any observations in the sightings book on lecture evenings.

We would welcome more photos for the site from members

Below is shown number of visitors to the site from April 2017.

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Chichester, West Sussex

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