Membership 1. We remind members that the new membership year began on 1 October 2024 and request prompt payment. Rates are unchanged from last year, 12.00 for an individual or 22.00 for joint membership. If you pay by bank transfer then please use these details: Name on account: Chichester Natural History Society Account type: business account (not personal account) Sort Code: 60-05-24 Account Number: 20521987 Payment reference: CNHS24xxxx where xxxx is your surname (this is important for your identification).
2. Only fill in a membership form If your details have changed and/or your Gift Aid status has changed. Click the preferred format below: Membership form .docx format Membership form .pdf format
3. We welcome new members and invite you to fill in a membership form (under 2 above.)
4. Membership of Chichester Natural History Society is open to all persons who undertake to: (a) pay the annual subscription. (b) uphold the objectives of the Society. (c) abide by the rules.
Gift Aid formSince we are a charity we can benefit from Gift Aid if you are subject to Income tax. Click below: Gift Aid form 2024-25 Phenology form for 2023For a copy of the form to record your phenology sightings click here PublicityLapel badges and car stickers can be purchased at lecture evenings for £1. Chichester, West Sussex |